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MGI 3.2.3 Release (4 January 2011)

The MGI 3.2.3 installer contains the following changes. (NOTE: a new serial number and activation code is required to use MGI 3.2. MGI 3.1.x users should purchase an upgrade to MGI 3.2 prior to installing.)

  • Optimization - mgiServerAdmin. The MGI code was inefficient for long lists of domains in the MGI Preferences. The effect varies by processor speed, but essentially the more domains, the more CPU was used during any change to the MGI preferences. The code was optimized so that much less CPU is used during MGI Preferences modifications.
  • Addition - PowerKey/Rebound Support (Beta). Given the protected memory of OS X, your server is less likely to crash, but could still 'hang'. MGI now includes support for Sophisticated Circuits' PowerKey Pro 650 USB power strips and Rebound Software to reboot your server if Apache 'hangs' for more than 2 minutes (reset at 15 second intervals). A new "Hardware Support" section with a checkbox for PowerKey was added to the "Server Settings" tab of MGI Server Admin. To enable the PowerKey option, just check the box and Save (NOTE: you may need to reboot after installing the Rebound software for the first time.) (This feature is still in internal Beta Testing and is not recommended for a production environment.)

Download MGI 3.2.3 OS X Leopard 10.5.x Installer (PKG - 32 MB)

Download MGI 3.2.3 OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.x BETA Installer (PKG - 33.6 MB)
(NOTE: This version is currently in BETA release and is not recommended for a production environment.)

Download MGI 3.2.3 Linux Installer (RPM - 16.8 MB)

MGI 3.2.1 Release (26 September 2010)

The MGI 3.2.1 installer contains the following changes. (NOTE: a new serial number and activation code is required to use MGI 3.2. MGI 3.1.x users should purchase an upgrade to MGI 3.2 prior to installing.)

  • Bug Fix - mgiSendMail. Emails sent via mgiSendMail were randomly lost (not successfully delivered to the email server and not entered as failed mail). Errors in the mgiSendMail code, email formatting and SMTP transaction were corrected.
  • New Parameter - mgiSendMail (fromname). The "fromname" parameter was a part of the mgiSendMail tag in MGI 1, but was not included in MGI 2. The "fromname" parameter has been added to mgiSendMail allowing you to add a name to the "From" SMTP header.
  • SMTP Debug Code Added To Note Level Logging. To facilitate the debugging of SMTP related errors in MGI, Note level logging now includes a full log of each SMTP transaction. If you enable Note level logging, your log size may grow quickly, so we recommend changing your log rotation to daily or only using Note level logging temporarily.
  • Addition - PHP cURL. The MGI installation of PHP for use with mgiPHP now supports cURL functions with SSL enabled (via libCurl).

Download MGI 3.2.1 OS X Leopard 10.5.x Installer (PKG - 32 MB)

Download MGI 3.2.1 OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.x BETA Installer (PKG - 33.6 MB)
(NOTE: This version is currently in BETA release and is not recommended for a production environment.)

Download MGI 3.2.1 Linux Installer (RPM - 16.8 MB)

MGI 3.2 Release (8 March 2010)

The MGI 3.2 installer contains the following changes.

  • New Module - Advanced Module (mgiPHP tag). MGI 3.2 contains the new Advanced Module and mgiPHP tag. (NOTE: a new serial number and activation code is required to use MGI 3.2. MGI 3.1.x users should purchase an upgrade to MGI 3.2 prior to installing.).

Download MGI 3.2 OS X Installer (PKG - 30.5 MB)

Download MGI 3.2 Linux Installer (RPM - 13.2 MB)

MGI 3.1.8 Release (1 February 2010)

The MGI 3.1.8 installer contains the following changes and bug fixes.

  • Bug Fix - mgiIf. Internal number string parsing created an invalid number for mgiIf lhs or rhs values with more than 25 decimal places. The number string parsing has been corrected.

Download MGI 3.1.8 Installer (PKG - 10.8 MB)

MGI 3.1.7 Release (23 November 2009)

The MGI 3.1.7 installer contains the following changes and bug fixes.

  • Bug Fix - mgiSearchDatabase. Expanded allowable values for boolean searches to include 1/0, T/F, Yes/No and case-sensitive variations.

Download MGI 3.1.7 Installer (PKG - 10.8 MB)

MGI 3.1.6 Release (17 November 2009)

The MGI 3.1.6 installer contains the following changes and bug fixes.

  • Bug Fix. Corrected open file handles to eliminate multiple open files.
  • Bug Fix - mgiSearchDatabase. Corrected import and export of decimal fields.
  • Bug Fix - mgiSearchDatabase. Corrected database search of integer fields with empty values including MGIIDField.
  • Bug Fix - Server Admin. Corrected Domain Management display of deleted domains.
  • Bug Fix - mgiSendMail. Corrected date headers and default GMTOffset of email.

Download MGI 3.1.6 Installer (PKG - 10.8 MB)

MGI 3.1.5 Release (30 July 2009)

The MGI 3.1.5 installer contains the following changes and bug fixes.

  • Bug Fix - mgiRandomNumber. Numbers were not random due to a seeding issue. Seeding has been corrected and numbers are now random.
  • Bug Fix - mgiDynamicPopup. A blank option was added to the end of menus. The blank option has been removed.

Download MGI 3.1.5 Installer (PKG - 10.8 MB)

MGI 3.1.4 Release (17 July 2009)

The MGI 3.1.4 installer contains the following changes and bug fixes.

  • Bug Fix - mgiEditDatabase. Database tables named "in" caused an error. The built-in SQL database has reserved "keywords" that must be accounted for when creating database tables with the keyword name. All keywords in the documentation of the built-in SQL database were included previously. The keyword list has now been expanded to include additional keywords from other SQL versions such as "in".

Download MGI 3.1.4 Installer (PKG - 10.8 MB)

MGI 3.1.3 Release (17 June 2009)

The MGI 3.1.3 installer contains the following changes and bug fixes.

  • Bug Fix - HTTP Upload (Core). A blank file field resulted in a "document contained no data" browser error and the processing page was not displayed. HTTP Upload now works with a blank file field.

Download MGI 3.1.3 Installer (PKG - 10.8 MB)

MGI 3.1.2 Release (25 May 2009)

The MGI 3.1.2 installer contains the following changes and bug fixes.

  • Bug Fix - mgiEditDatabase & mgiSearchDatabase. Searchable boolean database fields with "true" and "false" values caused a database error. The error has been corrected by allowing "true" and "false" in addition to "1" and "0".

Download MGI 3.1.2 Installer (PKG - 10.8 MB)

MGI 3.1.1 Release (7 May 2009)

The MGI 3.1.1 installer contains the following changes and bug fixes.

  • Bug Fix - mgiEditDatabase & mgiSearchDatabase. Greater than and less than comparisons were not allowed on text type database fields. Greater than and less than comparisons are now allowed on text type database fields, but results will be lexigraphic (alphabetical) rather than numeric.
  • Bug Fix - mgiShoppingBasket, mgiConfirmOrder & mgiSendOrder. &mgiSBItemPriceTotal; values were rounded to an integer. &mgiSBItemPriceTotal; now displays correct value to 2 decimal places.
  • MGI Logs Path Correction. The location of MGI logs was changed from etc/mgi to etc/mgi/MGI-Files/mgi-logs/.
  • Bug Fix - mgiEditDatabase. Database tables named "order" caused an error. Database tables and fields named "order" are now allowed.

Download MGI 3.1.1 Installer (PKG - 10.8 MB)

MGI 3.1 Golden Master (23 April 2009)

The following is the MGI 3.1 Golden Master installer for OS 10.5.x and Apache 2.2.x

Please review the system requirements for MGI 3. Purchase a license to obtain a serial number for MGI 3.

The MGI 3.1 installer contains the following changes and bug fixes. There were no changes in the tags between MGI2 and MGI3, but there were a couple of changes required for the new database system and Apache as well as some minor bug fixes.

  • Signed Integer Database Field. In MGI2 there are database field types for whole numbers (integers) and positive numbers (unsigned integers). When imported into MGI3, both of these fields will be imported as signed integers (i.e., the field will NOT force a number to be positive). The database used in MGI3 only supports the signed integer field type.
  • Default Home Page. In MGI2 region preferences, you were able to specify a list of default home page names (e.g., index.mgi, index.html, home.html, etc.). This section has been removed from the Server Admin & Domain Admin interface since the default home page function must be configured in Apache.
  • Bug Fix - mgiValidateData, "Real" number type. When a real number did not contain a decimal (e.g., "10" vs "10.0"), the validation failed. Validation for real numbers without a decimal is now correct.
  • Bug Fix - mgiSetCookie & mgiGetCookie with encryption. Encrypted cookie data was truncated every 48 characters with a carriage return/line feed. The incorrect carriage return/line feeds were removed and cookies can now support the standard size of approximately 4 KB.

Download MGI 3.1 Golden Master Installer (PKG - 10.8 MB)