Wednesday, March 12, 2025 6:32 PM


Benefits for Designers and Programmers

Fast Learning Curve: If you know basic HTML, then learning how to use MGI and starting to program with MGI tags should take less than two hours. If you already program in another language, learning MGI should take you less than one hour. MGI was designed specifically with web designers and non-programmers in mind, but has the power that experienced programmers require.

Easy To Use: The structure of MGI tags is similar to the structure of HTML tags. MGI tags and options use plain English names and words rather than cryptic symbols and codes.

Flexible Design and Layout Options: MGI easily integrates into any web site layout or design that you can imagine. You may customize virtually every aspect of MGI including the display and format of counters, search results, emails and shopping carts.

Built-In and Customizeable Functions: MGI contains two types of tags. We call the first type "high-level" tags. High-level tags are built-in functions that we have created for fast and quick implementation of common web site features such as banners, polls, quizzes, guestbooks and shopping baskets. We call the second type "low-level" tags. Low-level tags are basic programming type functions that are used in combination to create custom solutions such as password authentication, conditionals (if, then), variables, databases, string processing, server side includes and emails.

Increased Profit Potential: MGI allows web designers to accept projects that would normally require an entire programming department. You can complete projects more quickly using MGI -- saving you time and increasing your profit potential.

Benefits for System Administrators

Cost Effective: One license gives separate, secure access to every web site and domain on your server. You could easily fit 300 or more web sites on one web server, making MGI an investment of less than $2 per web site!

Quick Installation and Configuration: MGI is quick and easy to install and configure. You may install MGI on an existing server by simply placing the MGI program in the modules directory and updating the configuration file.

Separate, Secure Access for Multiple Sites: The MGI Server Administrator allows you to secure access to MGI modules, tags and databases on a domain-by-domain basis.

Works Beside Other Modules and Programs: MGI is a plug-in to the web server and works well beside any other plug-ins or programs you are running on the web server. You may decide what file extension or suffix calls MGI.

Reduced Tech Support: MGI is easy for your clients to learn and use reducing the amount of technical support that you need to provide.