Wednesday, March 12, 2025 3:49 PM

PagePlanet Software develops internet server applications. The company began in response to a demand for reliable, efficient server processing tools that were easy to implement on the part of web site developers, easy to administer on the part of web hosting companies and functional for web site visitors.

The development of our first product, Modular Gateway Interface (MGI), began during 1997 in conjunction with a commercial web hosting company owned by the principals of PagePlanet Software, Inc. Through interactions with actual users of our product in a commercial web hosting environment, MGI was continually enhanced to meet the needs of webmasters and system administrators, and more importantly, end users.

PagePlanet Software wants to provide you with the tools to make your business successful and will continue to publish quality internet and intranet software applications at a fair price.

PagePlanet Software, Inc. believes honor, respect, honesty, and hard work are admirable qualities that a business and its employees should observe. We believe in providing a rewarding work environment and fair compensation for our employees and a fair return to our owners.