Wednesday, March 12, 2025 7:48 PM


MGI 3 Macintosh OS X and Apache

To successfully run MGI 3 on Macintosh OS X, the following are required:

  • Macintosh PowerPC (see note) or Intel processor (minimum 500 Mhz speed and 512 MB RAM recommended). NOTE: PowerPC G5 processors have not successfully tested with MGI 3. Processor speed and memory affect the performance of your web server and MGI, so faster computers with more memory will perform better than slower computers with minimal memory.
  • Macintosh Operating System 10.5.
  • Installation of Apache version 2.2 web server. Default Apple installation of Apache recommended.
  • Sufficient hard drive space to accommodate MGI files including the MGI application, modules, logs, preferences and custom databases (a minimum of 100 MB).

MGI 3 Linux and Apache

To successfully run MGI 3 on Linux, the following are required:

  • 32 bit x86 processor (minimum 500 Mhz speed and 512 MB RAM). Processor speed and memory affect the performance of your web server and MGI, so faster computers with more memory will perform better than slower computers with minimal memory.
  • MGI 3 has been successfully tested with Fedora Core 9, Fedora Core 12, Red Hat Enterprise Level (RHEL) 5.4, and CentOS 5.4 operating systems.
  • Installation of Apache version 2.2 web server. Default Linux installation of Apache recommended.
  • Sufficient hard drive space to accommodate MGI files including the MGI application, modules, logs, preferences and custom databases (a minimum of 100 MB).