Referencing MGI

In the Referencing MGI section, you will find a complete list of definitions and a technical reference for each MGI tag. Each MGI tag was written for a specific purpose, but you can choose tag options to customize the tag's function and you can combine tags to create new functions. Read the Referencing MGI section to customize the function of MGI for your web site.

MGI Definitions

View a glossary of terms used in the MGI User Guide.

MGI Tags

Click on any tag link to see a technical description of the tag including the tag behavior, tag syntax, required and optional parameters, and example usage.

Tag Name Brief Description
mgiAbort Stops the processing of MGI tags that occur after the mgiAbort tag.
mgiAuthenticate Single username/password protection for individual pages.
mgiAuthenticateDB Multiple username/password protection with database-driven administration.
mgiBannerAd Database-driven banner ad system.
mgiBillingInfo Shopping basket billing information form.
mgiBillingInfoAP Shopping basket billing information form for orders processed by Accesspoint.
mgiButton Submission button.
mgiBuyMe Shopping basket quantity field and product information.
mgiCheckField Form submission verification.
mgiComment Hides code comments from the browser source view.
mgiConditional Complete If, then, else, conditional check.
mgiConfirmOrder Displays shopping basket, payment, shipping, billing and additional field information.
mgiConfirmOrderAN Displays shopping basket, payment, shipping, billing and additional field information for orders processed by AuthorizeNet.
mgiConfirmOrderAP Displays shopping basket, payment, shipping, billing and additional field information for orders processed by Accesspoint.
mgiCounter Text and graphic counter.
mgiCreditBank Charge users credit/points for access to web files.
mgiCreditCard Validate and authorize credit card charges via MacAuthorize.
mgiDatabaseSubmit Add database records with a form submission.
mgiDatabaseUpdate Modify database records with a form submission.
mgiDate Insert current date.
mgiDynamicPopup Create a popup menu of unique values in a database field.
mgiEditDatabase Create and Modify databases, tables, fields, and records.
mgiEncryptURL Encrypts file URLs and streams the file to the browser.
mgiFieldContent Display form field contents and names.
mgiFileAppend Write formatted submission to the end of a file.
mgiFileDelete Delete a file.
mgiFileInclude Include the contents of a file.
mgiFileLastModified Insert file last modified date.
mgiFileWrite Overwrite text with submission.
mgiGet Display page or site variable.
mgiGetCookie Display cookie value.
mgiGuestbook Guestbook entry format.
mgiIf Full If, then, else, conditional check.
mgiIncludeHTTP Include the headers and/or content of any web page.
mgiInlineIf Simple If, then, else, conditional check.
mgiInlineToken Tokenize a URL.
mgiJulianDay Convert dates and times between a Julian Day decimal number and standard dates.
mgiKeywordIndex Displays search engine keywords based on the client.
mgiLink Create a link or dynamic back button.
mgiLoop Repeat an action or display for a specified range of numbers or a specified list of values.
mgiMath Mathematical calculations and formatted display.
mgiNoCache Inserts a No-Cache directive into the page header information.
mgiPathArgument Display path arguments and path argument values.
mgiPaymentInfo Shopping basket payment information form.
mgiPaymentInfoAN Shopping basket payment information form for orders processed by AuthorizeNet.
mgiPaymentInfoAP Shopping basket payment information form for orders processed by Accesspoint.
mgiPGP PGP encrypt information for email or download.
mgiPoll On-line polls, surveys and analysis.
mgiPOP Web-based email and email to database functions.
mgiPostArgument Display post arguments and post argument values.
mgiQuiz Online quizzes and grading.
mgiRandomNumber Display a random number.
mgiRedirect Redirect page request to target URL.
mgiRequest Display aspects of HTTP request information.
mgiRotate Randomly rotate database values, text files or images.
mgiSBField Shopping basket product description field designation.
mgiSBPopup Shopping basket pop-up menu.
mgiSBPrice Shopping basket price and price break field designation.
mgiSBQuantity Shopping basket quantity field.
mgiSBShippingCost Shopping basket shipping cost and shipping break field designation.
mgiSearchDatabase Database search and results.
mgiSendInfoRequest Email or create a text file of information requests.
mgiSendMail Email formatted text.
mgiSendOrder Email or create a text file of shopping basket orders.
mgiSendOrderAN Email or create a text file of shopping basket orders and post to AuthorizeNet for processing.
mgiSendOrderAP Email or create a text file of shopping basket orders processed by Accesspoint.
mgiSet Set page or site variable.
mgiSetCookie Set cookie.
mgiShippingInfo Shopping basket shipping information form.
mgiShippingInfoAN Shopping basket shipping information form for orders processed by AuthorizeNet.
mgiShippingInfoAP Shopping basket shipping information form for orders processed by Accesspoint.
mgiShoppingBasket Display shopping basket contents.
mgiString Encode and decode text for URLs, HTML and whitespace.
mgiTime Insert current time.
mgiToken Appends tokens and other path arguments to URLs.
mgiVersionTracker Compares version numbers of your MGI tags to the latest release and provides download links to updates.

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