The mgiGuestbook TagTag BehaviorThe mgiGuestbook tag displays form submissions at a designated location on a target page. Tag SyntaxThe mgiGuestbook tag has a beginning tag with one required parameter and one optional parameter, a body, and an ending tag. The tag form is: <mgiGuestbook fileLocation="File Path" write="Yes/No"> MGI tags and text </mgiGuestbook> The form of the guestbook insertion marker is: <!-- Guestbook Insertion Marker --> Required Parameters:
Optional Parameters:
Guestbook Insertion Marker:
Example Usage and Output<mgiGuestbook fileLocation="GuestbookLog.html"> <table width="450" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>On <I><mgidate>,</I> <P><mgiFieldContent name="name"> wrote to us and said:</P> <P><font color="#5E5E5E"><mgiFieldReplace name="comments"> </font></P> <P><mgiFieldContent name="name"> can be reached at <B><mgiFieldContent name="email"></B> </td></tr> </table> </mgiGuestbook> In this example, guestbook entries are written to the GuestbookLog.html file and each entry will appear in the following format at the location of the guestbook insertion marker:
When the next entry is submitted, it will appear above the previous entry such as:
Suggested Usage
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