The mgiSBPrice TagTag BehaviorThe mgiSBPrice tag locates the price field and any price break fields in a database-driven shopping basket. Tag SyntaxThe mgiSBPrice tag has 2 required parameters and 16 optional parameters. The tag form is: <mgiSBPrice name="Name" priceFieldName="Database Field" quantityFieldName2="Database Field" priceFieldName2="Database Field" quantityFieldNameX="Database Field" priceFieldNameX="Database Field" quantityFieldName9="Database Field" priceFieldName9="Database Field"> Required Parameters:
Optional Parameters:
Example Usage and Output<mgiSBPrice name="Price" priceFieldName="Price" quantityFieldName2="Quan2" priceFieldName2="Price2" quantityFieldName3="Quan3" priceFieldName3="Price3"> In this example, there are 2 additional levels of price breaks when a visitor purchases multiple quantities of a single item. Suggested Usage
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