The mgiShippingInfo Tag

Tag Behavior

The mgiShippingInfo tag creates a table of shipping information including name, company, address, phone, fax and email. The mgiShippingInfo tag can be used in conjunction with the mgiConfirmOrder tag or with a custom shopping solution.

Tag Syntax

The mgiShippingInfo tag has no required parameters and no optional parameters. The tag form is:


Required Parameters:

  • None.

Optional Parameters:

  • None.

Form Field Names: Fields marked "required" are required when processed by the mgiConfirmOrder tag.

  • shoppingBasketName - The "Name" text field (required).
  • shoppingBasketCompany - The "Company" text field.
  • shoppingBasketAddress - The "Address" text area (required).
  • shoppingBasketCity - The "City" text field (required).
  • shoppingBasketState - The "State" select.
  • shoppingBasketProvince - The "Province" text field.
  • shoppingBasketPostalCode - The "Postal Code" text field (required).
  • shoppingBasketCountry - The "Country" text field (required).
  • shoppingBasketPhone - The "Phone" text field (required).
  • shoppingBasketFax - The "Fax" text field.
  • shoppingBasketEmail - The "Email" text field.

Example Usage and Output


The default format of the mgiShippingInfo tag is:

Suggested Usage

  • Hard-Coded Shopping Baskets
  • Database-Driven Shopping Baskets

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