The mgiConfirmOrder Tag

Tag Behavior

The mgiConfirmOrder tag formats and displays the contents of the shopping basket, the payment information, the shipping information, the billing information and information from additional user-designated fields.

Tag Syntax

The mgiConfirmOrder tag has a beginning tag with no required parameters and 12 optional parameters, a body, and an ending tag. The tag form is:

<mgiConfirmOrder taxRate="Decimal Number" state="US State" 
formatFileLocation="File Path" templateFileLocation="File Path"
displayCustomerInfo="Yes/No" displayHiddenInfo="Yes/No" 
taxShipping="Yes/No" paymentInfoCheck="Yes/No" 
shippingInfoCheck="Yes/No" billingInfoCheck="Yes/No" 
shoppingBasketURL="URL" theHutmanScenario="Yes/No">
Mailing Address line 1
Mailing Address line 2
Mailing Address line x

Required Parameters:

  • None.

Optional Parameters:

  • taxRate="Decimal Number" where "Decimal Number" is the tax rate for shipping items in-state to the state specified in the "state" parameter. The tax rate should be written as a decimal number (e.g., 0.06) rather than a percentage (6%). The default is "0.00". If you include a tax rate, the shippingInfoCheck parameter cannot be set to "No".
  • state="US State" where "US State" is the full name of the US State where in-state tax applies. The state name is not case-sensitive and can include spaces. By default, no orders are charged an in-state tax.
  • formatFileLocation="File Path" where "File Path" is the relative path to the confirm order format file which specifies the format of the shopping basket displayed by confirm order. The default format file structure includes a table with columns for Quantity, ProductID, Description, Price (ea.), and Total. The default format file structure also includes table summary rows with the Subtotal (mgiSBPriceSubtotal), Tax (mgiSBTax), Shipping (mgiSBShippingCostSubtotal), and Total (mgiSBTotal). To create a custom format file, use text, HTML and the format file variables listed below. If you include the formatFileLocation parameter, the templateFileLocation parameter is required.
  • templateFileLocation="File Path" where "File Path" is the relative path to the confirm order template file which specifies the format of each product in the shopping basket displayed by confirm order. The default template file structure includes a table row with the Quantity (mgiSBQuantity), ProductID (mgiSBProductID), Description (mgiSBBriefDescription), Price (mgiSBPrice), and Total (mgiSBItemTotal) for each product. To create a custom template file, use text, HTML and the template file variables listed below. If you include the templateFileLocation parameter, the formatFileLocation parameter is required.
  • taxShipping="Yes/No" where "Yes" indicates that tax is calculated on the SubTotal and Shipping Charges and "No" indicates that tax is calculated on the SubTotal only. The default is "No".
  • displayCustomerInfo="Yes/No" where "Yes" indicates that the customer's payment, shipping and additional information is displayed and "No" indicates that customer's payment, shipping and additional information is not displayed. The default is "Yes".
  • displayHiddenInfo="Yes/No" where "Yes" indicates that the hidden payment and shipping information is included in the source of the page and "No" indicates that the hidden payment and shipping information is not included in the source of the page. This parameter is used to customize shopping basket orders and may be helpful when emailing the information from mgiConfirmOrder.
  • paymentInfoCheck="Yes/No" where "Yes" indicates that payment information (from mgiPaymentInfo) is required and "No" indicates that payment information is not required. The default is "Yes".
  • shippingInfoCheck="Yes/No" where "Yes" indicates that the customer's shipping information is verified and "No" indicates that customer's shipping information is not verified. The default is "Yes". If you include a tax rate, the shippingInfoCheck parameter cannot be set to "No".
  • billingInfoCheck="Yes/No" where "Yes" indicates that the customer's billing information is verified and "No" indicates that customer's billing information is not verified. The default is "No".
  • shoppingBasketURL="URL" where "URL" is the absolute address to the folder that contains the original MGI Data folder (and thus contains the original MGI Shopping Basket database). For example, "" or "" This parameter is required when using separate secure and unsecure servers and a true virtual hosting application.
  • theHutmanScenario="Yes/No" where "Yes" indicates that your secure folder is hosted virtually under the folder of another company (e.g., your hosting company) and "No" indicates that your secure folder is not hosted virtually under the folder of another company or all of your shopping basket files are under one folder on a non-secure folder. See below for examples. The default is "No".

The following folder structures require theHutmanScenario:

Secure Folder = WebStarRoot/Secure/Company/Secure Files
Non-Secure Folder = WebStarRoot/Company/Non-Secure Files

The following folder structures do not require theHutmanScenario:

Secure Folder = WebStarRoot/Company/Secure Files
Non-Secure Folder = WebStarRoot/Company/Non-Secure Files

Non-Secure Folder = WebStarRoot/Company/All Files

Tag Body:

  • Mailing Address: If you set the "Check" parameter in the mgiPaymentInfo tag to "Yes", then you must list a mailing address in the body of the mgiConfirmOrder tag. There is no limit to the number of lines in the mailing address.

Format File Variables: The confirm order format file specifies the static structure of the shopping basket display (e.g., the table headers and summary variables). You may customize the display of the confirm order shopping basket by indicating a format file path in the "formatFileLocation" parameter and including any of the following summary variables in your format file. To include a summary variable in the format file, use the mgiGet tag with the following syntax:

<mgiGet name="VariableName">
  • mgiSBProductList - The location of the template file structure for each product in the shopping basket appears at the location of the mgiSBProductList variable.
  • mgiSBPriceSubtotal - The subtotal of the extended item prices (i.e., price multiplied by quantity) for all products in the shopping basket appears at the location of the mgiSBPriceSubtotal variable.
  • mgiSBBaseShippingCost - When using the BasePlusPerItem shipping method, the mgiSBBaseShippingCost variable displays the base shipping cost for the order.
  • mgiSBShippingCostPerPound - When using the Weight shipping method, the mgiShippingCostPerPound variable displays the shipping rate per pound for the order.
  • mgiSBTotalWeight - When using the Weight shipping method, the mgiTotalWeight variable displays the sum of weights for all items in the shopping basket.
  • mgiSBShippingPercentage - When using the Percentage shipping method, the mgiSBShippingPercentage variable displays the shipping percentage rate for the order.
  • mgiSBShippingCostPerItem - When using the TotalItems shipping method, the mgiSBShippingCostPerItem variable displays the per item shipping rate for the order.
  • mgiSBShippingCostSubtotal - The subtotal of the extended shipping costs (as defined by the shipping method) for all products in the shopping basket appears at the location of the mgiSBShippingCostSubtotal variable.
  • mgiSBTax - The subtotal of all taxes for the order appears at the location of the mgiSBTax variable.
  • mgiSBTotal - The grand total including the mgiSBPriceSubtotal, the mgiSBShippingCostSubtotal, and the mgiSBTax appears at the location of the mgiSBTotal variable.

Template File Variables: The confirm order template file specifies the structure of each item in the shopping basket (whether there are 2 items or 100). You may customize the display of records in the confirm order shopping basket by indicating a template file path in the "templateFileLocation" parameter and including any of the following variables in your template file. To include item variables in the template file, use the mgiGet tag with the following syntax:

<mgiGet name="VariableName">
  • mgiSBQuantity - The mgiSBQuantity variable displays the quantity of each product in the shopping basket.
  • mgiSBProductID - The mgiSBProductID variable displays the unique productID for each product in the shopping basket.
  • mgiSBBriefDescription - The mgiSBBriefDescription variable displays the brief description and any values from mgiSBPopUp tags for each product in the shopping basket.
  • mgiSBPrice - The mgiSBPrice variable displays the single-product price of each product in the shopping basket.
  • mgiSBItemPriceTotal - The mgiSBItemPriceTotal variable displays the price multiplied by the quantity for each product in the shopping basket.
  • mgiSBShippingCost - When using the BasePlusPerItem shipping method, the mgiSBShippingCost variable displays the single-product shipping price of each product in the shopping basket.
  • mgiSBItemWeight - When using the Weight shipping method, the mgiSBItemWeight variable displays the weight of each product in the shopping basket.
  • mgiSBItemWeightTotal - When using the Weight shipping method, the mgiSBItemWeightTotal variable displays the weight multiplied by the quantity for each product in the shopping basket.
  • mgiSBItemShippingCostTotal - The mgiSBItemShippingCostTotal variable displays the shipping cost multiplied by the quantity for each product in the shopping basket.
  • mgiSBItemTotal - The mgiSBItemTotal variable displays the sum of the mgiSBItemPriceTotal and mgiSBItemShippingCostTotal for each product in the shopping basket.

Example Usage and Output

<mgiConfirmOrder taxRate=".06" state="North Carolina">
The Book Store
101 Main Street
Anywhere, NC 28301

The mgiConfirmOrder tag displays the shopping basket, payment information, shipping information, and information from additional user-designated fields (if any) in the following format. In this example, the web site visitor chose to pay by check, so the payment information contains the address from the body of mgiConfirmOrder.

If additional user-designated fields were submitted to the page containing mgiConfirmOrder, then an additional section with the title "Additional Information" would appear below "Shipping Information".

Suggested Usage

  • Hard-Coded Shopping Basket
  • Database-Driven Shopping Basket

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