The mgiFileAppend TagTag BehaviorThe mgiFileAppend tag writes text to the end of a target file. Tag SyntaxThe mgiFileAppend tag has a beginning tag with one required parameter and no optional parameters, a body, and an ending tag. The tag form is: <mgiFileAppend fileLocation="File Path"> MGI tags and text to be appended to the target file </mgiFileAppend> Required Parameters:
Optional Parameters:
Example Usage and Output<mgiFileAppend fileLocation="contest.html"> Free Giveaway <mgiDate> Entrant: <mgiFieldContent name="Name"> <mgiFieldContent name="Phone> </mgiFileAppend> In this example, the mgiFileAppend tag is used to write contest entries to the contest.html file. If an entrant completes and submits a contest form, the text appended to contest.html will appear as: Free Giveaway Sun, 11 March, 2001 Entrant: Sandy Jones (253) 421-5748 When the next contest entrant completes and submits a form, the information will be appended to the end of the contest.html file such as: Free Giveaway Sun, 11 March, 2001 Entrant: Sandy Jones (253) 421-5748 Free Giveaway Sun, 11 March, 2001 Entrant: Jim Smith (749) 284-3391 Suggested Usage
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