The mgiSendOrderAP Tag

Tag Behavior

The mgiSendOrderAP tag emails shopping basket orders to a specified address from a specified address using a specified email server or writes shopping basket orders to separate text files after successful authorization using the Accesspoint Transaction Manager. The optional parameters of mgiSendOrderAP can also be used for inventory control in database-driven shopping baskets. When the mgiSendOrderAP tag is parsed, the shopping basket order it sends is deleted from the MGI Shopping Basket database.

Tag Syntax

The mgiSendOrderAP tag has 3 required parameters and 19 optional parameters. The tag form is:

<mgiSendOrderAP to="Email Address" from="Email Address" fromName="Name"
mailServer="Server Address" subject="Email Subject"
taxrate="Decimal Number" state="US State" mode="Mode" 
outputFolderLocation="Folder Name" tabDelimitedOutput="Yes/No"
taxShipping="Yes/No" paymentInfoCheck="Yes/No" 
shippingInfoCheck="Yes/No" billingInfoCheck="Yes/No" 
shoppingBasketURL="URL" theHutmanScenario="Yes/No" 
productDatabaseFileLocation="File Path"
productTableName="Table Name" inventoryFieldName="Field Name" 
inventoryFieldName="Field Name" inventoryErrorURL="Url" 
pgpFunction="Function" passphraseFileLocation="File Path">

Required Parameters:

  • to="Email Address" where "Email Address" is the email address where emails are sent.
  • from="Email Address" where "Email Address" is the address that appears in the "from" line of the email header.
  • mailServer="Server Address" where "Server Address" is the address of the SMTP mail server that will send the email.

Optional Parameters:

  • fromName="Name" where "Name" is the real name of the person or organization whose email is listed in the "from" parameter. Warning: Some mail servers do not allow mail to be relayed if it contains a from name.
  • subject="Email Subject" where "Email Subject" is the subject of the email that is sent. The default subject is "Online Order Submission".
  • taxRate="Decimal Number" where "Decimal Number" is the tax rate for shipping items in-state to the state specified in the "state" parameter. The tax rate should be written as a decimal number (e.g. 0.06) rather than a percentage (6%). The default is "0.00". This parameter must match the format of the same parameter in the mgiConfirmOrder tag exactly.
  • state="US State" where "US State" is the full name of the US State where in-state tax applies. The State Name is not case-sensitive and can include spaces. By default, no orders are charged an in-state tax. This parameter must match the format of the same parameter in the mgiConfirmOrder tag exactly.
  • mode="Mode" where "Mode" is the way each order is processed. The modes are "emailOnly", "textFileOnly", "emailAndTextFile", and "emptyCustomerSB". The emailOnly mode creates and sends a formatted email with the order information. The textFileOnly mode writes each order to a separate text document that is named by the date and time of the order. The emailAndTextFile mode creates and sends a formatted email with the order information and writes each order to a separate text document that is named by the date and time of the order. If you choose the textFileOnly or emailAndTextFile mode, the outputFolderLocation parameter is required. The emptyCustomerSB mode deletes the customer's order from the internal shopping basket database, but does not send the order information via email or write the order information in a text file. The default mode is emailOnly.
  • outputFolderLocation="Folder Name" where "Folder Name" is the name of the folder in your directory where text file orders are kept.
  • tabDelimitedOutput="Yes/No" where "Yes" indicates that text file orders are delimited by tabs and can be imported into a database program and "No" indicates that the text file is formatted. The default is "Yes".
  • taxShipping="Yes/No" where "Yes" indicates that tax is charged on the SubTotal and Shipping and "No" indicates that tax is charged on the SubTotal only. The default is "No".
  • paymentInfoCheck="Yes/No" where "Yes" indicates that payment information is required and "No" indicates that payment information is not required. The default is "Yes".
  • shippingInfoCheck="Yes/No" where "Yes" indicates that the customer's shipping information is verified and "No" indicates that customer's shipping information is not verified. The default is "No".
  • billingInfoCheck="Yes/No" where "Yes" indicates that the customer's billing information is verified and "No" indicates that customer's billing information is not verified. The default is "Yes".
  • shoppingBasketURL="URL" where "URL" is the absolute address to the folder that contains the original MGI Data folder (and thus contains the original MGI Shopping Basket database). For example, "" or "" This parameter is required when using separate secure and unsecure servers and a true virtual hosting application.
  • theHutmanScenario="Yes/No" where "Yes" indicates that your secure folder is hosted virtually under the folder of another company (e.g., your hosting company) and "No" indicates that your secure folder is not hosted virtually under the folder of another company or all of your shopping basket files are under one folder on a non-secure folder. See below for examples. The default is "No".

The following folder structures require theHutmanScenario:

Secure Folder = WebStarRoot/Secure/Company/Secure Files
Non-Secure Folder = WebStarRoot/Company/Non-Secure Files

The following folder structures do not require theHutmanScenario:

Secure Folder = WebStarRoot/Company/Secure Files
Non-Secure Folder = WebStarRoot/Company/Non-Secure Files

Non-Secure Folder = WebStarRoot/Company/All Files

Optional Inventory Control Parameters:

  • productDatabaseFileLocation="File Path" where "File Path" is the location of the product database file relative to the root of the website (i.e., the full path name beginning with the first folder beneath your root folder name). If the product database is at the root level of your site, the file path is only the name of the product database (no folder names). If the product database is in a folder beneath your root named "Store", then the file path would be "Store/DatabaseName". The full path to the product database is required because the inventory control may be performed across multiple machines (e.g., secure servers and unsecure servers).
  • productTableName="Table Name" where "Table Name" is the case-sensitive name of the product table within the product database.
  • inventoryFieldName="Field Name" where "FieldName" is the case-sensitive name of the inventory field within the product table. The inventory field (which contains the current number of items available for sale) must be an "integer" type. Field types are chosen when the field is created.
  • productIDFieldName="Field Name" where "FieldName" is the case-sensitive name of the product ID field within the product table.
  • inventoryErrorURL="Url" where "Url" is the full path to the webpage where visitors will be redirected if an inventory error occurs (e.g. if the visitor orders more of an item than is available). The error page should not reside on a secure server since you need to give customers access to their shopping basket in order to make changes.

Optional Order Encryption Parameters:

  • pgpFunction="Function" where "Function" is the PGP action. Currently, the only valid function is "encryptWithPhrase". The encryptWithPhrase function encrypts an order using the pass phrase listed in the pass phrase file. If the pgpFunction parameter is included, the passphraseFileLocation parameter is required.
  • passphraseFileLocation="File Path" where "File Path" is the relative location of the file that contains the pass phrase to encrypt the order. The passphrase is a text only file (although it may include hidden characters such as returns that would be necessary for decoding). The passphrase it contains can be any size. Note: the passphrase file itself or a folder in the path to the passphrase file should be password protected by a WebSTAR realm. If you administer the server, you can set the realm. If you are hosted on a virtual server, a specific folder name or file name may be required. Contact your system administrator for the required folder or file name. If the passphraseFileLocation parameter is included, the pgpFunction parameter is required

Example Usage and Output

<mgiSendOrderAP to="" from="" 
mailServer="" subject="Product Order" 
state="North Carolina" taxRate=".06">

The mgiSendOrderAP tag will email a pre-formatted email containing payment, shipping, and shopping basket information for each order. The following example represents the format of the mgiSendOrderAP email:

The following online order has been received.

Shipping Information

                     Name: Kevin Ellis
                  Company: ABC, Inc.
                  Address: 6472 Main Street
                     City: Dallas
                    State: Texas
              Postal Code: 38291
                  Country: USA
                    Phone: 238-349-2291
                      Fax: 238-349-2292

Payment Information

           Payment Method: Credit Card
         Credit Card Type: Visa
       Credit Card Number: 1234 5678 9012 3456
   Credit Card Expiration: 12 / 00

Ordered Items

               Product ID: 0-8053-0040-6
                 Quantity: 1
             Product Info: Title -- Computers:  Tools for an Information Age
                           format -- Paperback
              Price (ea.): $14.95
              Total Price: $14.95


                 Subtotal: $14.95
                 Shipping: $5.00
                      Tax: $0.00
              Grand Total: $19.95

Inventory Control Functions:

When a customer attempts to order more items than are currently available according to an inventory field in your database, you can use inventory control optional parameters to redirect the customer to a webpage detailing the discrepancies between their order and what is actually in inventory. These functions are flexible, so the precise content and design of the page displaying the errors is up to the site designer.

Each inventory error is carried by a path argument from the send order page (which may be located on a secure server) to the inventory error page (which should be located on a non-secure server). To display each product ID and associated quantity that is in error, use an mgiPathArgument tag with the name "mgiInventoryErrorProductIDX" and an mgiPathArgument tag with the name "mgiInventoryErrorQuantityX" where "X" is the error number in sequence beginning with "1". You should anticipate the number of inventory errors that a customer might have and include a set of mgiPathArgument tags to accommodate each error. You may include as many mgiPathArgument tags as are necessary. You may also use a combination of mgiIf comparisons to only display errors that are actually passed via path arguments from the send order page.

Below your display of the inventory errors, include the mgiShoppingBasket tag, mgiSBPrice, mgiSBShippingCost tag, and "Modify Shopping Basket" mgiButton tag as they appear on your shopping basket display page to allow the customer to change their quantities and re-submit their order. In order for the mgiShoppingBasket tag to function, you must enclose it with HTML <FORM> tags whose action is the name of the inventory error page (i.e., the page will post to itself). In order for the customer to re-submit their order, include an mgiButton tag enclosed by HTML <FORM> tags whose action is the name of your check out page.

Finally, enclose all tags (including <FORM> tags) with mgiToken tags to track the customer's unique order.

The following is an example inventory error page (that should be located on a non-secure server):

<title>Inventory Error</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">


An inventory error has occured.  Please modify your shopping 
basket and checkout again.


<!--Set Each Inventory Error in a Variable-->

<mgiset name="id1">
<mgipathargument name="mgiInventoryErrorProductID1">
<mgiset name="quan1">
<mgipathargument name="mgiInventoryErrorQuantity1">

<mgiset name="id2">
<mgipathargument name="mgiInventoryErrorProductID2">
<mgiset name="quan2">
<mgipathargument name="mgiInventoryErrorQuantity2">

<mgiset name="id3">
<mgipathargument name="mgiInventoryErrorProductID3">
<mgiset name="quan3">
<mgipathargument name="mgiInventoryErrorQuantity3">

<!--Only Display Inventory Errors that Exist in a Table-->

<table border="1">
<tr><th><b>Offending Product IDs</b></th>
<th><b>Quantity in Stock</b></th></tr>

<mgiif target="variable" name="id1" relationship="isEmpty">
<tr><td align="center"><mgiget name="id1"></td>
<td align="center"><mgiget name="quan1"></td></tr>

<mgiif target="variable" name="id2" relationship="isEmpty">
<tr><td align="center"><mgiget name="id2"></td>
<td align="center"><mgiget name="quan2"></td></tr>

<mgiif target="variable" name="id3" relationship="isEmpty">
<tr><td align="center"><mgiget name="id3"></td>
<td align="center"><mgiget name="quan3"></td></tr>



<!--Display the Customer's Current Shopping Basket-->
<!--and Modify Shopping Basket Button for Changes-->

<form action="redirectSB.html" method="post">
<mgiShoppingBasket productDatabaseFileLocation="Product DB2"
productTableName="Product Information"
productIDFieldName="Product ID"
	<mgiSBPrice name="price" priceFieldName="Price">
	<mgiSBShippingCost name="shippingCost"
	 shippingCostFieldName="Shipping Cost">
<mgibutton name="Modify Shopping Basket">

<!--Display the Checkout Button to Re-Submit Order-->

<form action="checkout.html" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="checkout" value="Checkout">



Suggested Usage

  • Hard-Coded Shopping Baskets
  • Database-Driven Shopping Baskets
  • Inventory Control

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