Wednesday, March 12, 2025 7:49 PM

To install or re-install MGI, download the latest MGI installer. If you have an existing version of MGI installed on your web server, re-installing MGI will NOT overwrite your data such as preferences and databases. By default, a new installation of MGI is in demo mode. You may enter your MGI serial number and authorization code during the installation process OR after installation using the MGI Server Admin web interface. NOTE: The web server should be quit or stopped during installation.

To update MGI, you may use the Version Tracker feature of the MGI Server Admin or download and replace specific module files.

Latest Installers

Macintosh Installers
26 June 2002 2.1G WebSTAR Installer (4.5 MB) Installs MGI in the Plug-Ins folder of the selected copy of WebSTAR. Available modules are based on your serial number.
26 June 2002 2.1G Generic Installer (4.8 MB) Installs MGI in the selected Plug-Ins folder. The generic installer does not auto-locate the correct folder. Available modules are based on your serial number.
26 June 2002 2.1G Forms Processor (3.4 MB) Installs MGI Forms Processor in the Plug-Ins folder of the selected copy of WebSTAR.
26 June 2002 2.1G Generic Forms Processor (4.2 MB) Installs MGI Forms Processor in the selected Plug-Ins folder. The generic installer does not auto-locate the correct folder.

NT/2000 Installers
26 June 2002 2.1G Generic Installer (2.4 MB) Installs MGI in the selected Plug-Ins folder. Available modules are based on your serial number.
26 June 2002 2.1G Forms Processor (1.4 MB) Installs MGI Forms Processor in the selected Plug-Ins folder.

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MGI Server [Essentials | Essentials Plus | Commerce]

12 July 2002 - Version 2.1.13



  • The MGI Preferences are no longer written during shut down. They are only written when changes are made and saved. This should prevent any corruption of the preferences due to hanging thread or other issues during the server shut down process.
  • A new "MGI Preferences Backup Previous" file is now created. When the preferences are saved, the current preference file that does not contain the update is saved to the "MGI Preferences Backup Previous" file. The new preferences that do contain the update are saved to both the "MGI Preferences" and "MGI Preferences Backup" file (as a mirror). If the new change is a mistake, you may manually revert to the "MGI Preferences Backup Previous" file. If the current preferences become corrupt in any way, you may use the mirror "MGI Preferences Backup" file or in an emergency you may use the "MGI Preferences Backup Previous" file which will not contain the last change made.
  • Fixed bug where relative file location references including at least two folders higher in the file system (../../) and outside of a defined MGI Domain or Region would crash the machine. An error message is now displayed.

10 July 2002 - Version 2.1.12



  • Fixed bug where accessing region preferences via mgiDomainAdmin displayed the default domain preferences rather than the specified domain preferences.

25 June 2002 - Version 2.1.11



  • Fixed minor bug in server admin security.

26 April 2001 - Version 2.1.10



  • URL decoded page links with spaces (%20).

23 April 2001 - Version 2.1.9



  • Corrected database manager problem.
  • Removed ODBC drivers from the Macintosh product.

19 Mar 2001 - Version 2.1.6



  • Changes embedding error checking to a region preference that defaults to OFF. Embedding error checking can flag errors in Javascript, etc. that may be valid code.

09 Mar 2001 - Version 2.1.4



  • Corrected problem with unbalanced HTML tags
  • Improved yielding in file upload handler
  • Processes MGI tags inside HTML comments

05 Mar 2001 - Version 2.1.2



  • Corrected crashing in the MGI Admin when running under WebSTAR 4.3.
  • Corrected problem where Default Domain would not appear first in the domain list.

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Essentials Module [Essentials | Essentials Plus | Commerce]

10 July 2002 - Version 2.1.12



  • mgiRequest - New "queryString" data type.

25 June 2002 - Version 2.1.11



  • mgiDynamicList - New tag to create a delimited list of unique values.
  • mgiDynamicPopup - Fixed a bug where integer and unsigned integer database fields would return only the first two values.
  • mgiDynamicPopup - Fixed a bug where non-existent file name was showing a pop-up list with "False" values. It now throws an error.
  • mgiDynamicPopup - Fixed tag to make selects W3C compatible.
  • mgiJulianDay - Fixed a bug where hour and padded hour would return 0 rather than 12.
  • mgiJulianDay - New "AmPm" parameter for converting dates to julian dates.
  • mgiJulianDay - New format "daySuffix".
  • mgiSetCookie - Fixed a bug where encrypting an empty cookie would produce garbage.
  • mgiRequest - New "pageID" data type.

28 September 2001 - Version 2.1.7



  • mgiRollOver - New tag to create Javascript rollovers.
  • mgiValidateData - Corrected a problem of case-sensitivity with the "emailAddress" and "regularExpression" parameter names. The parameter names are no longer case-sensitive.

10 August 2001 - Version 2.1.6



  • mgiInlineDoNotProcess - New tag. The mgiInlineDoNotProcess tag can be used in conjunction with post arguments, path arguments, variables, and includes to keep MGI tags from being processed.

23 April 2001 - Version 2.1.5



  • mgiListFolder - New tag.
  • mgiEncryptURL - relative paths not available to encrypt files.
  • mgiGetFileInfo - added "exists" and "isAFolder" data types.
  • mgiValidateData - Corrected validation of email addresses with multiple levels (e.g.,
  • mgiSetCookie - Corrected a problem with GMTOffsets in cookie expirations.

28 Mar 2001 - Version 2.1.3



  • Added support for enforcing required/prohibited closing tags.
  • mgiValidateData - Corrected problem with regular expression engine.
  • mgiValidateData - Added a regular expression for validating email addresses.

09 Mar 2001 - Version 2.1.1



  • mgiToken - Corrected problem with unbalanced HTML tags

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Network Module [Essentials | Essentials Plus | Commerce]

10 July 2002 - Version 2.1.10



  • mgiSendMail - Added "headerName" and "headerValue" parameters.
  • mgiSendMail - Default character set changed back to us-ascii.

25 June 2002 - Version 2.1.9



  • mgiPOP - Changed the maximum message size to 50K to stop crashing with large messages and large headers. Messages larger than 50K are truncated.
  • mgiSendMail - Default character set changed to x-mac-roman (default changed back to us-ascii in version 2.1.10).

28 August 2001 - Version 2.1.6



  • mgiSendMail - Added validation of the replyTo email address when supplied.

10 August 2001 - Version 2.1.5



  • mgiSendMail - Added the sendAsHTML parameter which sends HTML formatted emails.

23 April 2001 - Version 2.1.4



  • mgiPOP - new tag.
  • mgiSendMail - Added validation of "from" parameter to require a valid email address.
  • Added support for enforcing required/prohibited closing tags.

09 Mar 2001 - Version 2.1.1



  • mgiSendMail - Improved compatibility with unix sendmail daemon

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File I/O Module [Essentials | Essentials Plus | Commerce]

25 June 2002 - Version 2.1.4



  • mgiModifyFile - Re-fixed bug with the behavior of the appendCRLF optional parameter. If the value of the appendCRLF parameter is "No", nothing is appended to the end of the text. If the value of the appendCRLF parameter is "Yes", CR (Mac) or CRLF (NT) is appended to the end of the text.

10 August 2001 - Version 2.1.3



  • mgiModifyFile - Corrected the behavior of the appendCRLF optional parameter. If the value of the appendCRLF parameter is "No", nothing is appended to the end of the text. If the value of the appendCRLF parameter is "Yes", CR (Mac) or CRLF (NT) is appended to the end of the text.

06 April 2001 - Version 2.1.1



  • Added support for enforcing required/prohibited closing tags.

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Programming Module [Essentials | Essentials Plus | Commerce]

25 June 2002 - Version 2.1.9



  • mgiIncrement - New tag to increment or decrement numeric variable values.
  • mgiString - New "character" parameter for "trim", "trimLeft" and "trimRight" modes.
  • mgiString - Fixed a bug in "regularExpression" mode where beginningIndex always started at 1.

28 September 2001 - Version 2.1.7



  • mgiLoop - Corrected problem with the listDelimiter parameter. The listDelimiter parameter is no longer required and defaults to a comma.

23 April 2001 - Version 2.1.6



  • mgiMath - Corrected error behavior for invalid equation formatting.
  • mgiString - Added padLeft and padRight modes.
  • mgiLoop - Added support for fractional steps and indexes.
  • mgiString - Corrected problem with regular expression engine.
  • Added support for enforcing required/prohibited closing tags.

28 Mar 2001 - Version 2.1.3



  • Added support for enforcing required/prohibited closing tags.
  • mgiString - Corrected problem with regular expression engine.
  • mgiLoop - Now supports fractional steps and indexes.
  • mgiString - Added padLeft and padRight modes.

09 Mar 2001 - Version 2.1.1



  • mgiIf - Corrected problem with unbalanced HTML tags
  • mgiSwitch - Corrected problem with unbalanced HTML tags

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Plus Module [Essentials Plus | Commerce]

25 June 2002 - Version 2.1.4



  • mgiAuthenticateDB - Added "Last" button to admin.

23 April 2001 - Version 2.1.3



  • mgiAuthenticateDB - changed "sendPassword" mode syntax. Ending tag removed and "message" parameter added.
  • Added support for enforcing required/prohibited closing tags.

09 Mar 2001 - Version 2.1.1



  • mgiAuthenticateDB - Added 31 character limit on username and password
  • mgiQuiz - Corrected HTML output for min and max difficulty popus

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Database Module [Essentials Plus | Commerce]

10 July 2002 - Version 2.1.8



  • mgiModifyDatabase - Fixed a bug where path arguments and post arguments with the same name (e.g., checkboxes) added only the last value in the updateRecord mode. All values in a comma delimited list are now added.

25 June 2002 - Version 2.1.7



  • mgiModifyDatabase - Fixed a bug where path arguments and post arguments with the same name (e.g., checkboxes) added only the last value in the addRecord mode. All values in a comma delimited list are now added.
  • mgiEditDatabase - Fixed a bug where a duplicate record was not accessible immediately after duplication.

28 September 2001 - Version 2.1.5



  • mgiModifyDatabase - Added validation for the existence of the database in addRecord mode.
  • mgiEditDatabase - Corrected a problem when an export file name was the same as an existing folder name. An error now displays.
  • mgiEditDatabase - Changed the user interface. Displays only indexed fields on record search screen. Added "Duplicate" button. Added indexed, unique and length data to record, new record and expert screens.

23 April 2001 - Version 2.1.4



  • mgiSearchDatabase - Corrected behavior so that all searches are exact match when using key field values (empty search strings do not match a record). All records may still be returned by the mgiSearchDatabase tag without any key field values.
  • Added support for enforcing required/prohibited closing tags.

09 Mar 2001 - Version 2.1.1



  • mgiSearchDatabase - Corrected problem with unbalanced HTML tags

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Commerce Module [Commerce]

25 June 2002 - Version 2.1.3



  • mgiBannerAd - Added 7 rows to the HTML Code field of the admin interface.

28 September 2001 - Version 2.1.2



  • mgiCreditCard - Corrected validation of credit cards. Spaces or hyphens in the card number are ignored. Card numbers must contain only numbers and must be between 13 and 16 characters.
  • mgiBannerAd - Corrected a bug that interfered with URLs containing a semi-colon.

23 April 2001 - Version 2.1.1



  • Added support for enforcing required/prohibited closing tags.

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Shopping Basket Module [Commerce]

10 July 2002 - Version 2.1.9



  • mgiSendOrder - Updated send mail code.

25 June 2002 - Version 2.1.8



  • mgiConfirmOrder and mgiSendOrder - Fixed a bug where basket shipping costs would override rather than add to item shipping costs.

10 August 2001 - Version 2.1.7



  • mgiShoppingBasket - Corrected a bug in the shopping basket encryption.

23 April 2001 - Version 2.1.5



  • mgiConfirmOrder - added "displayHiddenInfo" parameter.
  • mgiShoppingBasket - Set cookie expiration to 4 weeks.
  • mgiShoppingBasket - Corrected a bug that caused a qualifier to be applied to multiple products from multiple mgiBuyMe tag posts.

28 Mar 2001 - Version 2.1.3



  • Added support for enforcing required/prohibited closing tags.
  • mgiConfirmOrder - URL encoded HTTP request path arguments and removed all CRs and LFs from the URL of the request.
  • mgiConfirmOrder - Made the body post processed.
  • mgiSendOrder - URL encoded HTTP request path arguments and removed all CRs and LFs from the URL of the request.
  • mgiSendOrder - Made the to parameter optional. If it's not given, then the tag will just write the textfile, if the configs say to do so.

09 Mar 2001 - Version 2.1.1



  • mgiBuyMe - Added checkbox mode

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Forms Module [Forms Processing]

23 April 2001 - Version 2.1.4



  • mgiSendMail - Added validation of "from" parameter to require a valid email address.
  • mgiValidateData - Corrected validation of email addresses with multiple levels (e.g.,
  • mgiValidateData - Corrected problem with regular expression engine.
  • mgiValidateData - Added a regular expression for validating email addresses.
  • Added support for enforcing required/prohibited closing tags.

09 Mar 2001 - Version 2.1.2



  • mgiSendMail - Improved compatibility with unix sendmail daemon

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