The following updates were made to tags after the release
of the MGI 1.6 Installer on 22 June 2000. All of these updates
are included in the 1.6d Installer.
- mgiRedirect 1.6.2 - Fixes a bug that causes an mgiStop error
when the redirect doesn't occur.
- mgiSendInfoRequest 1.6.1 - Fixed a bug that caused the mgiToken
to not be recognized.
- mgiConfirmOrder 1.6.2 - Added support for Access Point. New
parameters: "merchantID", "approvedURL",
"deniedURL", "transactionType", and "billingInfoCheck".
- mgiSendOrder 1.6.2 - Added support for Access Point. New
parameter: "billingInfoCheck".
- mgiPaymentInfo 1.6.1 - Added support for Access Point.
- mgiShippingInfo 1.6.1 - Added support for Access Point.
- mgiRedirect 1.6.1 - Returned an mgiStop tag for every redirect
to keep the rest of the MGI tags on the page from processing.
- mgiConditional 1.6.1 - Fixed a bug that caused the "not"
parameter to be ignored by conditional statements containing
only a then clause.
- mgiJulianDay 1.6.1 - Fixed a bug that caused the zero padding
on the minute and second formats to be overwritten.
- mgiPOP 1.6.1 - HTML encoded the body of emails being sent
in window mode to keep any MGI tags in the messages from being
processed before being sent.
- mgiVersionTracker 1.6.1 - Added host header info to the HTTP
request for the version files.
- mgiConfirmOrder 1.6.1 - New parameter: "shoppingBasketURL".
Allows user to specify the location of their shopping basket
folder. This parameter must be used when using Welcome in router
mode or when jumping between two different secure and unsecure
machines with WebSTAR Virtual Host.
- mgiConfirmOrderAN 1.6.1 - New parameter: "shoppingBasketURL".
Allows user to specify the location of their shopping basket
folder. This parameter must be used when using Welcome in router
mode or when jumping between two different secure and unsecure
machines with WebSTAR Virtual Host.
- mgiSendOrder 1.6.1 - New parameter: "shoppingBasketURL".
Allows user to specify the location of their shopping basket
folder. This parameter must be used when using Welcome in router
mode or when jumping between two different secure and unsecure
machines with WebSTAR Virtual Host.
- mgiSendOrderAN 1.6.1 - New parameter: "shoppingBasketURL".
Allows user to specify the location of their shopping basket
folder. This parameter must be used when using Welcome in router
mode or when jumping between two different secure and unsecure
machines with WebSTAR Virtual Host.
- mgiShoppingBasket 1.6.1 - Added support for the "shoppingBasketURL"
parameter in mgiConfirmOrder and mgiSendOrder.
- mgiShoppingBasket SD 1.6.1 - Added support for the "shoppingBasketURL"
parameter in mgiConfirmOrder and mgiSendOrder.