Friday, March 14, 2025 2:27 PM

The following updates were made to tags after the release of the MGI 1.5c Installer on 18 February 2000. All of these updates are included in the 1.5d Installer.

  • MGI Server (1.5.2) - Removed exceptions from htmlDecode and urlDecode callbacks that were thrown during the decoding on an unencoded string.
  • mgiAuthenticateDB (1.5.2) - Shielded non-existant records exposed by the "Back" button in the browser from deletion.
  • mgiBannerAd (1.5.2) - Shielded non-existant records exposed by the "Back" button in the browser from deletion.
  • mgiCheckField (1.5.1) - New parameter: "regularExpression".
  • mgiConfirmOrder and mgiConfirmOrderAN (1.5.2) - Removed the class C IP block check for the token.
  • mgiConfirmOrder and mgiConfirmOrderAN (1.5.3) - Removed the mgiSBBriefDescription from description.
  • mgiConfirmOrder and mgiConfirmOrderAN (1.5.4) - Removed dollar sign token references. Also fixed a problem with ampersands and SB products.
  • mgiDatabaseSubmit (1.5.1) - HTML encoded incoming values.
  • mgiDatabaseSubmit (1.5.1) - Ignored all empty page vars and post args.
  • mgiDatabaseUpdate (1.5.1) - HTML encoded incoming values.
  • mgiEditDatabase (1.5.1) - HTML encoded incoming values and decoded values being displayed in the interface.
  • mgiEncryptURL (1.5.2) - The link image location is now encrypted.
  • mgiInlineToken (1.5.4) - Removed the dollar sign.
  • mgiJulianDay (1.5.1) - Fixed a bug that occured when the "julianDay" parameter was set equal to an integer.
  • mgiJulianDay (1.5.1) - New formats: "longWeekday" and "shortWeekday".
  • mgiQuiz (1.5.2) - Removed dollar sign token references.
  • mgiSearchDatabase (1.5.2) - Page variables named field=fieldname are now added to the hidden inputs generated by the previous and next buttons.
  • mgiSearchDatabase (1.5.3) - HTML decoded '<' and '>' chars being displayed. Also HTML encoded hidden input names and values in the next and previous button forms. Also added iterator jump protection.
  • mgiSendOrder and mgiSendOrderAN (1.5.4) - Removed the class C IP block check for the token.
  • mgiSendOrder and mgiSendOrderAN (1.5.5) - Removed dollar sign token references.
  • mgiShoppingBasket (1.5.3) - Removed dollar sign token references. Also fixed a problem with ampersands and SB products.
  • mgiString (1.5.1) - New functions: "getWordCount" and "getCharacterCount".
  • mgiToken (1.5.4) - Removed the dollar sign.