Displaying Graphic Counters
- Inserting a graphic counter after the sentence "Welcome, visitor"
at the bottom of your home page.
MGI Tags
- Open your home page in a text editor.
- Insert the sentence and mgiCounter tag.
- Save your home page.
- FTP your home page to the web server running MGI.
- View your home page in a browser.
Step 1: Open your home page in a text editor.
- Open your home page in a text editing program that allows you to view
and modify the HTML of your page.
Caution: Always insert MGI tags in a text editor
or the HTML view of a graphic page editor. Never insert MGI tags in the
graphic view of a graphic page editor. |
Step 2: Insert the sentence and mgiCounter tag.
- Insert your cursor in the HTML of your home page where you want the
mgiCounter tag to display. To put a counter at the very bottom of your
home page, insert the cursor before the ending </BODY> tag. Type
the sentence "Welcome, visitor" and the mgiCounter tag on your
home page. In the mgiCounter tag, include the "type" parameter
and set the "type" parameter value to "graphic":
Welcome, visitor <mgiCounter name="index" type="graphic">
Tip: Counters are tracked in a database by counter name. Create
unique counters by using the name of the page displaying the counter. |
Step 3: Save your home page.
- Save the changes you have made to your home page.
Step 4: FTP your home page to the web server running MGI.
- Upload your home page from your local computer to the web server using
an FTP program.
Step 5: View your home page in a browser.
- View your home page in a browser. At the bottom of your home page the
following sentence and graphic will appear:
Welcome, visitor 
- The next person who views your home page sees the following sentence
and graphic:
Welcome, visitor 
- The counter increments by 1 every time the page is viewed.
Caution: MGI tags will not work if you view the
page locally in a browser. MGI tags only function when they are processed
by MGI and served by a web server. |