MGI 1.x System Requirements
To successfully run MGI, you need the following:
PowerPC with a minimum free RAM allocation at least twice that required
for the particular WebStar configuration you are running with a minimum
of 16 megs above the required WebStar configuration.
WebStar 3.0 and WebStar/SSL 3.0 or higher. MGI will not run under 1.x
or 2.x because of a significant change in the WebStar API. We strongly recommend
upgrading to WebStar 4.2 or later if you have not already done so.
System 7.5.3 or higher. System 9.04 or higher is recommended.
Open Transport 1.1 or higher. Open Transport 2.6 or higher is recommended.
Minimum 25 megs of free hard drive space. MGI is currently installing
with 16 megs. Additional hard drive space allocations are needed for files
created by MGI, particularly database files and will require space equal
to the anticipated size of the files themselves.